A review by compulsive_reader
Until I Saw You by Dianna Roman

Did not finish book.
Loved the beginning.  But Riley is starting to grate on me.  "Reckless" is not a full personality.   And Harper has said twice now that Riley is just joy personified, but I'm not seeing it at all.  He doesn't seem joyous at all.  Just childish.

I'm about halfway through, and I just can't.   Life is too short to read a book that makes me angry.  Harper's low self-esteem is just too awful to be realistic.  Come on, let's go to the computer to design an app.  "Bu, bu, but - I I I  can't- I don't know anything about it."  Dude, he just said that was his job.  You can type, can't you?

Also - letting a blind person drive a fucking motorcycle because you wanted him to be able to finish his lesson on how you needed to be less cautious?  You both would have deserved it if you'd both been killed.