A review by librarycutie
Geekerella by Ashley Poston


this was so cute! geekerella is a modern cinderella retelling about cosplay and fandoms and geek girls and relationships and love and it was glorious! elle was an easy character to love because of how strong she is and how passionate she is for Starfield (which i’m assuming is similar to star trek and star wars...?) it went beyond my expectations because, honestly i didn’t know what to expect. it was such a bitter sweet ending, i was just gushing over it!

i absolutely hated one of the step sisters and the step mother, they were so cruel and i’m really glad that at least one of the step sisters turned out to be nice. this twist on cinderella was possibly my favorite beside a cinderella story, that movie holds a place in my heart forever hehe.

of course i can’t end this review without saying i loved carmindor, i love how he too was passionate about starfield and tries his best to make sure he plays the character true, since he and the other starfield fans don’t want it to be a failed reboot.

also, sage was such a cool character, her friendship with elle is so sweet!!

all in all, i loved this story and it was so cute, definitely a quick read as well!