A review by elentikvah
Dreams from My Father: A Story of Race and Inheritance by Barack Obama


There are no words I have to express my feelings about this man who was our first black president.  So much of my world view shifted during and immediately after his presidency.  Though completely unrelated, this shift was life-changing for me, so I find the emotions of that time caught in the historicity of this administration.  In so doing, I have found myself going back to explore more about the Obamas - first with Michelle Obama's BECOMING (which I loved!) and now President Obama's first book, DREAMS FROM MY FATHER.

I listened to the Audiobook, and of course that was an auditory experience!  As a book, it was reasonably well written, and gave a view of his personal history - which was interesting.  If one is curious about his pre-political history, this is concise telling of that story.

A few years ago, on a podcast, I heard someone present at both events describe the impact of Barack Obama's nomination speech for John Kerry in 2004 on the eventually nomination of Mr. Obama a mere 4 years later.  This person described Mr. Obama's speech in 2004 as one of the best they had ever heard in their life.  This audiobook ends with a recording of that speech - again, there are no words.

Rating 3/5 (liked it)
14 hrs and 4 mins / 464 pages
Audiobook / Kindle