A review by lmrivas54
Stone Cold Notes by Julia Wolf


Intriguing and different! You’d imagine a rockstar romance would involve a guy steeped into drugs and booze but this time, it’s not so. Callum Rose, bassist in The Seasons Change band, is aloof and quiet, many times he’s not even present in the moment and that got him the Stone Cold nickname. His dissociative nature didn’t gain him any friends until Wren emailed him a fan letter and it intrigued him enough to answer it. Eventually they became firm penpals and were writing regularly, sharing their thoughts, feelings and hopes.

Wren thought he was shy because she was shy. As she herself would say, she was shy to the point that she shrinks in social situations. He would tell her:

When you stop shrinking, someone will follow you. Let’s hope it’s someone you want as your shadow.

Eventually, we know he wanted to be her shadow and be with her, except he had his own demons to deal with.

One day, when I get my shit together, I’m going to ask for your address and show up for our walk.

I loved Callum because he was not your normal rockstar nor your normal boyfriend. He was stalkerish and possessive and excessively protective of Wren. And it was good that Wren was shy and timid so she was good with him being like that. His demons calmed when Wren was with him, and Wren felt seen when Callum was near. They had a beautiful love story and a wonderful relation.

They had a three year period when they were apart. During that time, Wren had a baby from a one-night stand and Callum’s band went into fame. When she started working in Good Music Records, they met again, Wren knows who he is to her, but thinks he doesn’t know. She’s in for a world of surprises!

What I loved about this romance is that the author throws crumbs (like Hans and Gretel) while she develops the plot and the characters. As you read and discover the secrets, you realize that the hints were there from the beginning, you just hadn’t realized. And of course, this required a re-read to find those crumbs!

I loved this nuanced, multi-layered book and the fascinating characters. Shy and introverted Wren, dissociative Callum who only came to focus with Wren, unique and wonderful!