A review by thywizard
Velocity Weapon by Megan E. O'Keefe


Not a bad book.

There are three-ish stories running together. Two of which are tied together and merge. The third was so far out I really couldn't care and ended up skimming those chapters up until the last when it actually meant anything.

I think the creative choices of a ship with feelings quite an interesting one. Especially when seeing the reasons for why it behaves the way it does. I also thought the interjection of Alexandria from a couple hundred years earlier were interesting, and quite honestly wouldn't mind seeing a bit more since it ends up being a big deal. 

I cared about the two main characters Sanda and Tomas onboard Bero. I thought they had decent chemistry but I wish we could've seen more of the "time" while they were on Bero. I didn't care much for Biran, but it was interesting to see his reaction to some of the events and I didn't mind his interaction with two women who seemed much more important than the presence they were given. 

The first half of the story seeing the characters on the ship Bero was by far the most interesting part to me. The second half politics got a little sloppy for my liking. 

One of my least favourite parts of the book, and I realize this may be a personal nitpick, was the sheer amount of times that "my two dad's" was mentioned. I can understand it the first time as an explainer of Sanda's larger family, but every time they are mentioned, it feels like a lecture to contemporary audiences. This book is supposed to be set in the future where I'd imagine you could make this a non-issue. If the author wanted to give meaning to it she could have written an interesting story of why it might not happen or why it matters. As it is, it's annoying.