A review by jayce
How to Outswim a Shark Without a Snorkel by Jess Keating


Originally posted here at inthesenterofit.blogspot.com

Genre: Realistic

AR level: none yet

Grade appropriate: 5th grade girls & up
(Prepubescent boys do not need to be reading about girls comparing
their boobs to another girls.)

Overall: 5/5-- I thoroughly enjoyed this book!

Creativity: 5/5-- how fun to write about a girl who lives at a zoo?
Reminded me of [a:Stuart Gibbs|3040652|Stuart Gibbs|https://d.gr-assets.com/authors/1417564329p2/3040652.jpg]'s [b:Belly Up|6760793|Belly Up|Stuart Gibbs|https://d.gr-assets.com/books/1267406352s/6760793.jpg|6958059] & [b:Poached|17777989|Poached|Stuart Gibbs|https://d.gr-assets.com/books/1379455558s/17777989.jpg|24864526].

Characters: 5/5-- loved kevin! Ana was real and might have even been
me in middle school, minus the living at a zoo thing. Ashley was also
a very real character that I swear I knew in middle school. It turns
out the girls like her were all just as insecure as I was!

Engrossing: 5/5-- it was a great book that held my attention.

Writing: 5/5

Appeal to kids: 5/5-- I know so many girls who are going to eat up
this story of enemies who become friends,

Appropriate length to tell the story: 5/5

Language: none

Sexuality: mild-- girls make a kissing pact & try to kiss a boy before
school starts, the girls have to change into swimsuits & notice each
other's bodies.

Violence: none

Drugs/Alcohol: none