A review by k2_hancock
Zero Waste Home: The Ultimate Guide to Simplifying Your Life by Reducing Your Waste by Bea Johnson


There is already a belief in the general population that minimalism can only be obtained by the wealthy, and this book does absolutely nothing to combat this belief. I feel like the book actually harms the want for minimalism by making it sound too hard and then making you feel like a lesser being for not going all out on this lifestyle.

I believe this book is actually intended for a wealthy audience. She talks about flying to France and the struggles of her love for makeup, clothes, and jewelry with her zero waste lifestyle. But who knows? I don't know a rich person (or anyone) who will compost their own hair and nail clippings.

I've read, watched, and listened to plenty of things on minimalism and reducing waste but this book was by far the most tone deaf and insensitive book I've read; which is a shame because I genuinely like how the book is broken down to tackling different parts of the home.

The thing that really irks me after reading this is that I don't know what to do with my deceased father's possessions, but I know how to make lip plumper.