A review by scribesprite
Prada & Prejudice by Mandy Hubbard


Prada and Prejudice is one of those books that uses the famous Pride and Prejudice book to gain attention. It worked, at least I know it did for me. I didn't expect it to be a lot like the Austen writing, which is good because the author is clearly modern just like her character, Callie.

Callie is supposed to be smart and a complete kluts which is why, in a way, she "falls" into 1815. She is funny and Hubbard does a great job in making funny scenarios. It isn't one of the funniest books I've read but it made me chuckle numerous times. The writing is smart and light which I liked. Alex is- of course- misjudged by Callie. This is where the Austen feel comes into play.

I liked virtually every 1800s character; even Victoria who is the poster child of the 1800s rich, snobby, nosy, old lady. Emily is a great friend. I think she is exactly what Callie needed. She is so earnest and happy. I can see why Callie was so intent on breaking off Emily's engagement with the old man. Its depressing to think that of this happy, young, lively girl marrying an old man.

Alex is actually just what I expected and that isn’t bad because what I pictured was an arrogant, stubborn but all around nice guy. I loved all the arguments that Callie and Alex have since I knew who was right and who was going to win. I liked Callie even though in her time she wants to be part of the popular crowd. She eventually sees that it really doesn’t matter. A cliché I know but I think it works in this case.

The characters may have been what I was expecting but the ending was not. I surprised myself when I was actually okay with the ending. I’m not completely happy about it because I’m still wondering what happened to some of the characters but I can live with it.