A review by talonvictoria
Whore by Willow Aster


Honestly though, did Willow Aster REALLY write this? Sweet, sweet Willow? Did she? Wow! I am so very impressed with her. As I always am. Whore had the twists and the turns and the angst and the yearning. I did not see that coming with this book. Not at all.

“In another life, he looks exactly like someone I’d want to know.”

Whore was pretty cool because it shows just how versatile Willow can be as an author. She can write angsty love, she can write heartache and longing, and she can write mystery and twists and thankfully for us, Whore provides all of that! Full of great characters and a great story line that you definitely don’t read every day, my reading tastes were satisfied to the fullest.

If the book title alone doesn’t entice you to know more, you should know that Soti is the best person I have met in a book. Okay, maybe not THE best, but he was an incredible character who deserved everything and more. My only quirk was, we needed more of him. He was such an important part of this story that I wanted more from HIM instead of Lilith. More of his past and what his story entailed. I think I’m just very selfish with him. He was such a fantastic character. I can’t say that enough.

“Her eyes hold a thousand secrets, threatening to spill over; I want to unlock each and every one.”

Truth be told, I felt very iffy about Whore. The title was different and the cover was awesome. I don’t read blurbs so I had absolutely no idea what I was getting myself into. But I’m glad that I took the chance and read it. Willow has truly grown as an author and Whore proves that. Her creativeness and enchanting writing signified that.

I feel as if Whore is the combination of ALL of Willow’s book mixed together. Yes! That is it! So, if you want the angst that is in True Love Story, the mystery that is in Fade to Red, the yearning that is in In the Fields, and the spunk that is in Maybe Maby then you DEFINITELY need to read this book!