A review by jonghosfootrest
Groupie by C.M. Stunich


This was a long read for me…

Now first thing I want to say is… The FL can’t dress for the absolute life of her. It was bad, maybe I just don’t understand punk fashion but, at the point where she had clothes to choose from her outfits sucked. Now Lets get into the real reason we are all here, The Review…
The book was a slow read for me because between the layers upon layers UPON layers of trauma that each character had and all the spicy moments they had going on, there was little. to no substance. Maybe I missed it but, I don’t know. The only scenes that held substance outside of the trauma and/or spice troupe was maybe two to three scenes where The FL talked about the music and how deeply she felt it. Now let us get into the 6 MAIN CHARACTERS. Yes Six this review is going to be a long one forgive me.
[The Main Leads]
-The FL(Lilith)
Lilith’s only substance was that all of her family was dead, the way she felt and acted about her trauma was valid but, I wanted to see more growth from her. Not to say she didn’t have any growth, she did. I do feel as if it could’ve been more described but, the parts we did get were decent.
-ML 1(Paxton){The Cocky One}
Paxton was a weird ML he was open about wanting the FL but, at the same time constantly critiqued her and wanted nothing to do with her. He was written as a preppy rich English boy and he lived up to that stereotype. His trauma was also forgotten about when it was a main plot point during the beginning of the book. If the resolution is what I think it was supposed to be then it was pathetic.
-ML 2(Copeland){The Punk Boy Next Door}
Copeland was easily one of my favorite ML in this book and it’s apparent why. He was considerate to the FL from the moment he saw her and he also didn’t push his trauma onto the rest of the group. Copeland’s trauma arc was toyed around but, hopefully in the next book it will get its proper justice. He was the calm and collected baby boy of the bunch.
-ML 3(Ransom){OH He’s Really Messed Up One)
Ransom, his backstory and trauma was something that was talked about for a majority of the book but, the detail we needed no deserved wasn’t all there. He was the ML we knew the most about in my opinion, and good lord how he functions as a member of society is beyond me. He is good to The FL though and even if his actions are not purely selfless he deserves an award for all he did for her.
-ML 4(Muse or Derek){The Dad of the Group}
Muse was definitely another of my favorite ML’s he was kind and considerate. He was giving and never put the FL into a position she felt uncomfortable in. Muse’s backstory deserves an arc and I would read the sequel just to read about it. There’s not much else to say about him though.
-ML 5(Micheal){The Guilty One}
Micheal is the one with the most buildup with the FL, he had some pretty good backstory with the whole girlfriend thing and the resolution it came to ended that arc perfectly. I wished it ended earlier so we could’ve gotten more tender moments between him and The FL. Micheal, was a loyal man despite his past actions.
[Final Comments]
So as much I can write about the main leads the substance for them outside of their trauma or spicy time was lacking. They need to have a personality outside of those two aspects. I may read the sequel in the future but for right now, I am good off of this series and this writer. The book was not bad but, The lack of personality was a contributing factor to this book’s final rating. The spicy scenes were out of this world though. They were the highlight in the book even if there were some moments we did not need spice at that moment.