A review by hollowspine
I Stole You: Stories from the Fae by Kristen Ringman


I enjoyed these atmospheric and often chilling short stories. The stories vary in their locations and various mythical beings and they also vary in tone, some uplifting, others sad, some with a sense of malevolence, others evoke sweetness or melancholy.

My only caveat was that while the stories varied in locale and whether the stealing was forceful, gentle, welcome, frightening, deadly, etc., the characters seemed very one-note to me. At the beginning I was engaged with the characters but by the end I felt ready for a change.

The writing was extremely evocative, atmospheric and beautiful and each story was lovely on it's own. Taken together, I admit that I felt sometimes the stories ran together a little too much, especially in the character who was 'stolen,' but still a lovely collection.