A review by rromanereads
I'm a Fan by Sheena Patel


it all starts with an excessive character, obsessed with "the man she wants to be with", who tends to behave like a stalker towards the other woman her lover is seeing, who is "the woman I'm obsessed with". yes, the characters have no first names and are referred to as such throughout the book, which quickly becomes tiresome. Our main character's excessive and harmful use of social networks is unabashed and assumed, and the author turns it into a brilliant satyr.

I don't know if it was the form that prevented me from understanding and therefore appreciating this book, but what I was reading made very little sense, the links weren't made and the writing was crude and sloppy (this is what I really reproach this book for, even if I understand the author's provocative choice). I found it hard to follow a story line.

then, I came across a very compelling review that sort of translated the book for me, and enabled me to put my finger on everything I'd been missing, hidden behind this hard-to-grasp writing. Once you get the hang of it, there's no denying that the author delivers an ascerbic and fair critique of the themes addressed (toxic relationships, egocentric obsessions, racism, social media to name only a few). But I can't help feeling that, while I needed explanations to understand, the execution, while original, is rather sloppy.

in the end, I found that the story went round in circles and was pretty meaningless. I think you either love or hate this book, with no real in-between. The writing style is bold and provocative, which didn't thrill me.

if you've read it, please help me get through it! I'm frustrated and feel I've missed out on a lot. how about you?