A review by babs_reviews
Mortal Obligation by Nichole Chase


Ree, an artistic slightly social outcast, is trying to live her life after the death of her brother. Her father throws himself to work while her mother kindly checked out mentally for a bit. For Ree normal isn't quite as reachable as she'd like. In love with her brothers best friend and seeing things that don't exist she has more trouble keeping things clear.

One night at a concert and things change drastically, not only for Ree but also for her circle of friends. Things get interesting when Paden and Ree are attacked by the things she had assumed to be in her head. Quite the shocker until Paden realized he now has fangs.

Taken by Sophie to a location Ree and the gang are finally told a story and get bits of information. Ree holds power she wasn't aware she held and it is up to her to save the world from the evil trying to take over. Her power will release the power within her friends and trigger a change in them that will help them protect her better. They are her Guardians. There is ONE, and only ONE that she must defeat in order to win. (of course he comes with an army but he is the one that must die) Regardless of the number, the possibility of her winning is slim without some training.

Roland, the bad boy trying to be good....one of the evil ones yet still able to be good. He struggles to be near Ree as he sees her as the one he lost, yet she isn't. It is up to him to take these teens and train them to properly guard.

The battle scene was epic, by far my fav part of the book. The ending had a huge twist that had my jaw dropping and my head spinning. Can't wait to read the next installment.