A review by toellandback
Dead If You Don't by Peter James


The latest release of the “Dead” series by Peter James is always a highlight and appearance number 14 of DS Roy Grace is, as expected, a really enjoyable read. Set over the weekend of Brighton's first ever Premier League game, it begins with a bomb threat to the AMEX stadium and progresses into an extremely busy couple of days for Grace and his team.

Add a diverse mixture of Albanian's into the mix and you have a number of overlapping stories which could become confusing but never does thanks to a clever manner of interweaving and writing, resulting in a race against time worthy of one of Simon Kernick's early novels!

Unusually, there is a lot less emphasis on Grace's “family issues” of the past and far more on the here and now which is inevitable really after the previous book and even his son Bruno only plays a small part as the novel concentrates on the difficulties faced by the police on multiple levels,

As you'd expect, the writing is fast paced and bounces from differing viewpoints on a regular basis and there is a cracking twist half way through which I certainly didn’t see coming and it made up for a slightly predictable ending but I can forgive that!

The Albanian's were interesting, ranging from wanting to be accepted as part of the Sussex community to plain outright brutality and it was good to see one character in particular change his viewpoint and attitude as the story progressed.

Another strong outing for Roy Grace and another worthy addition to a great series.