A review by tobyyy
The Cat Who Had 60 Whiskers by Lilian Jackson Braun


I’ll be honest: DNF around 60%.

I’m so glad to see that I wasn’t the only person confused, annoyed, bewildered, and befuddled by this book. And also glad — in a way — to see that there’s a consensus among LJB fans that she either didn’t write this or was senile when she did so.

I love the Cat Who series. They were some of the first “adult mysteries” I read as a kid, and Koko, Yumyum, and Qwilleran will always have a very special place in my heart.

That being said — this book SUCKS. There is no plot. There is also no mystery. No resolution. Characters are acting out of character. It’s extremely disjointed and honestly I can’t even describe the story to you because there was NO COHESIVENESS.

Do not read this. Pick up literally any other book in the Cat Who series instead.

((Initially I was worried that my dislike and sense of no plot was because I’ve been stressed lately and have been struggling to focus enough to read. Glad to see that it’s not that — or at least, not JUST that...))