A review by lovefilled
Kismat Connection by Ananya Devarajan

Did not finish book. Stopped at 25%.
I don't know how or why but this has been in my TBR even before it was released but reading it was. So disappointing and I tried until 25% and I just can't anymore. These ppl are not real, the sense of where we are and what these character look like is missing so I'm disoriented + the writing is so stilted, the dialogues are awkward and unreal and I don't rly like how Madhuri treats Arjun like a puppy whose "loyalty" she loves like. God. Give me a break. No buildup to why Arjun loves her so much either. The MCs are rly boxed and stereotypical (Arjun, the boy-next-door; Madhuri, the unlikable MC at the start of a 2000s movie but also the Indian-American girl who, you guessed it right!, hates everything Indian) and the why of their fake dating makes no goddamn sense. It's like this girl is fighting so hard to not let fate and destiny ride her life is not for herself but for the author's and the plot's sake lolllllll