A review by sianw1992
Looking Good Dead by Peter James


I'm always a fan of Peter James and the Roy Grace novels which are set in my home county, Sussex.
That's my first point for why I love this book. Knowing exactly where the police, the victims and the suspects are is brilliant, although a little unnerving.
This story starts with a man finding a CD on a train and in his attempts to return it to the owner, gets caught up with a dubious snuff film production company.
For Tom Bryce and his family, things get steadily worse, while Roy Grace has to figure out what is happening, and who's behind it.
There's only a few issues with this book. The first is the psychic element. Peter James has assured me himself that real police officers would go down this route, but I find it hard to believe.
I can always rely on Peter James for a quick read, with an exciting storyline and interesting, believable characters.