A review by hlizmarie
The Redhead Plays Her Hand by Alice Clayton


Grace comes into her own in a HUGE way and it's glorious to watch. She gets an opportunity of a lifetime and it just makes her stronger, more confident and more supportive of herself. Jack surprised me too but in a not so great way. I actually started to not like him and think Grace could do better! I remember gasping aloud at one point so caught up in their issues and not believing what I was reading. I love the trajectory of their lives and career for both of them and where they ended up made sense. I can't believe I'm going to actually say this but the only thing I didn't like about this book was the sex. By the end I was just skimming past those interludes because they'd lost their effect by that point. It was just kind of ridiculous. And overall, it can be really hard to relate to these people. Much like in Wallbanger everyone lives a privileged, wealthy existence. Here's it's all Hollywood, paparazzi, etc. I think this final book though struck the best balance for me between being able to relate to them as human beings in relationships but also finding their lives pretty fantastic.