A review by lilaklara
Another Now: Dispatches from an Alternative Present from the Sunday Times no. 1 bestselling author by Yanis Varoufakis


I was pleasantly surprised by the style in which this book was written; as I'd only read Talking to My Daughter and seen a couple of Varoufakis' interviews and talks prior to reading this I was expecting it to be an essay collection or something along those lines. instead he uses a sci-fi (adjacent) story as a framework to explore this 'Other Now' - the plot follows a character who accidentally opens up a wormhole into an alternate universe (in which the system was completely overthrown and reworked post 2008 financial crisis) and is able to communicate with himself in the Other Now. this worked for me because it allows you to just proceed on the assumption that this is a functioning society rather than something that is being hypothesised and so Varoufakis' ideas come across more cohesively. he has a lot of interesting propositions and although it could be very technical at times it was fascinating to read about a fully-conceptualised system that is wholly anti-capitalist. could be a little self-congratulatory at times but definitely an interesting read overall.