A review by ali_jenna
The Gilded Wolves by Roshani Chokshi


I was so confused the entire time I was reading this book. At first it seemed kind of like a knock-off of Six of Crows, but then it got weirder. It was like all the sudden this guy came out of nowhere and captures Tristan and then I don't even know. I went to see Seussical the Musical Jr. recently and this book reminded me of that because I had no idea what was going on most of the time. I think the author was trying to incorporate way too many things into the same book. Also what was the deal with Laila and Severin (yes i know there's an accent somewhere) not being a couple? It was explained but not very well. All the characters were kind of annoying and also, again, sort of like Six of Crows. Like Severing was Kaz without the smartness, Laila was Inej, just whiney, Zofia was Jesper, but literally without social skills, Enrique was like Nina I guess? and Tristan was Wylan except plants. Oh and that Hypnos guy was idek, but weird. Maybe this book would have been better if it was longer? I generally don't say that about things I don't like very much, but I feel like a lot more explaining could have been done because there were, like I said previously, too many different elements. Also, like I've said for other books, I don't like it when plot twists just come out of nowhere. I mean that's kind of the definition of a plot twist but I feel like if you read really really closely you should be able to predict what will happen, to a point. I don't like it when it's too predictable either though. This book, it was just too much action and not enough actual development of characters and plot.