A review by sabsey
Wuthering Heights by Emily Brontë


My head's still spinning. This book was so wild and so strange and looking back on it, pretty brilliant. Wuthering Heights destroy's you much in the same way it destroys the characters, anyone you want to love or even like you will end up hating at one point or another, and many of the characters swing wildly between loving and hating each other until their deaths.

I feel so out of breath finishing it, the intensity and passion that bursts through the page is almost physically effecting. I can't quite describe it, but I feel like I need to lie down for ten or a hundred years.

I know this book is one people either destest or love it to bits: I mentioned to one friend I was reading this and she rolled her eyes and said "ugh why?." And then, when I pulled it out later with another friend, she saw the book I was holding and went "Yes! I love that book!" And going down through my list of goodreads friends, there's either all five stars or all one/two stars. I think more than anything that's a testament to Emily Bronte's writing. It makes everyone who reads it feel something powerful and immense.