honestly still trying to find my thoughts with this one. I like Ng’s storytelling style, how it jumps in time and weaves threads together. I found the parts about her mother having to give up her dreams and putting them on her daughter as very compelling. The generational storytelling also did a good job of reminding the reader how much things have changed and progress has moved forward in just a couple generations. Sometimes the lack of communication in these books frustrate me. I can see how it captures real family dynamics, especially in indirect family cultures. But I wish for more of a payout ending where words are shared. Like I wanted Nath and Jack to have a much more real conversation. I honestly don’t know what to think of Lydia’s suicide. Like, was it suicide or did she actually think she could reach the doc if she tried hard enough? I suppose her logic was the product of mental illness all the same. I just don’t know what to think of it being accidental and I’m curious what those who have either attempted suicide or experienced the suicide of a loved one think of this.