A review by vrstal
Blood Bound by Odessa Hywell


4/5. Highlights may contain spoilers. Read at your own risk.
House of Obscure Reviews

Content Warnings for book: Discussion and references to child sexual abuse, human trafficking, parental abuse, mention of drug use and addiction, gross parental neglect, blood and gore, torture (between MCs and others), murder, gun violence, incest, power imbalance, sex without lube, rape (between two side characters), off-page dubious consent

Kink: Sadomasochism, bloodplay, knifeplay, public sex, exhibitionism, cock and ball torture, sex toys, spanking, orgasm torture, light breeding kink

Blood Bound is the final book in Odessa Hywell’s mafia incest series, featuring Holden and Marcus, a nephew and uncle.

I think out of the three books, this one is my second favorite. Not only do we have Hywell’s smooth writing and editing, but there is plenty of humor as well in the form of Holden.

In terms of romance, I enjoyed the development of Marcus and Holden. We once again miss out on the usual tension of incest because they already have an established sex life. However, I enjoyed the angst within this one, because Holden felt like Marcus didn’t trust him. As actions play out in the book you can see where there are weaknesses in their relationship (which wasn’t even truly committed) and how they grow to overcome them and become stronger together.

The sex scenes? Hot hot hot. The author says this book isn’t daddy kink and while it’s not, I do think Daddy is used enough as a joking, teasing title by Holden that it may turn some readers off who avoid that term in their books. Take this as a warning! Also the returning nickname of “peanut” might get to someone. It personally wasn’t my favorite at first either, though it grew on me.

Their backgrounds and the way they paralleled themselves really were interesting and heartbreaking. I enjoyed getting those little flashbacks and how these two got to be who they were today. Unlike the previous couples where the younger MCs were more out of the mafia fray (or in it, but not totally by choice), Holden enjoys what he does and being part of the #killsquad. I liked that aspect to him. In general there is a lot more mafia plot due to the way it is wrapping up the overall plot line for this series, so expect that.

Overall, for a surprisingly low-angst but bloody mafia incest story, I recommend this book!