A review by alexise22
Never Saw Me Coming by Vera Kurian


I absolutely loved this book. It tries to show that just because you have the traits of a psychopath doesn't make you one. This book kept me guessing the entire time. The villain in the story is not someone that you would expect it to be, I was very surprised. All of the psyhopaths in the beginning of the story don't trust one another then as the story progresses they begin to trust each other. Once Chloe, the main character, finally gets her revenge on Will; Chloe and Charles begin to develop feelings for one another. Charles tries to help Chloe while also keeping his feelings for her at bay since he has a girlfriend throughout the entire book. Once Chloe and Charles finally confess their feelings they are able to figure out who they believe is the killer. They believe the killer is one of the twins in the study. The killer turns out to be the nicer one of the twins and their dad is the CRD killer. Charles and Chloe end up deciding to begin a relationship with each other at the very end.