A review by jmatkinson1
The Cabin by Jørn Lier Horst


When Bernhardt Clausen, a prominent politician, dies of a heart attack no-one is surprised but when millions in foreign currency is discovered in his cabin that becomes a case for William Wisting. Whilst investigating this Wisting also becomes aware of an anonymous tip linking Clausen to a missing person case from the same time as the money is dated. Making a quick deduction the police realise that the money is from an armed robbery at Oslo Airport, unsolved until now. However as Wisting and his journalist daughter Line start asking questions it's clear that the robbers are keen to get the money.
This is a fast-paced and solid Scandic-crime novel. Wisting and his team are not really developed characters but in the context of the plot that is no big thing. There are a couple of twists in the narrative but none of overtly surprising and they make complete sense in the context. Horst has written an enjoyable novel which sits neatly in its genre without being outstanding.