A review by arayofreading
The Shadow Crosser by J.C. Cervantes


**4 stars**

Really really liked this conclusion!

-Stakes were RAISED
-I said this about the last two books but I love how much time is taken to developing the world. I think the success in world-building has a lot to do with how the stakes are raised because things are set up gradually throughout the story so you understand the impact of something going wrong.
-There was a magical aspect I wasn't expecting here having to do with time and I liked it! Time is a tricky thing to include in magic systems because there are so many implications for it but I liked how the mythology was tied into it.
-This book really introduced the new godborns and their abilities, which I was so excited to see. However, I wish we were able to spend more time with them. What we got about them was very surface level which was mainly to do with the fact that this was a trilogy, but I just found all their abilities and backstories so interesting that I wanted more.
-In general, while I praise the plot and world-building a lot with this series, sometimes I wished more time would have been spent on developing the characters. We got a lot from Zane's voice, but I came out of this series without a real strong sense of who Brooks was. And I mentioned before how the godborns didn't have all that much. The exception to this was Hondo (reminded me a lot of Sokka), and Ixtab and Ah-Puch--they were such great characters to follow.