A review by serenamarangon
The Golden Compass by Philip Pullman


Let me say that i did't really liked this book. I think that the story itself it is actually intresting but I just don't like the way the author devolped it.
First of all I was not able to tell who is the "good" and who is the "bad" and it is something that I personally don't like at all. When I read I book I'd like to be able to tell from the beginning who is the character that you should love and the one that you should hate, or, at least, understand the role that every single character is playing. I have to say that by the end of the book I was quite surprised by Lord Asriel (and I'm not going to spoil anything) but there are some things about him and Mrs Coulter that I still do not understand.Another thing that I didn't not understand it's why, all of a sudden, at the end of the book, the story becomes based on religion more tha it was at the begining. It was clear that something on this story it is related to religion but I did't expect at all quotes from the Bible coming out from nowhere!
I have to say that probably I'll never fully undarstand this book as I'm not going to read the other two of this saga.
Hope this rewiew was helpful and clear. :)