A review by emmelnie
For Love of the Duke by Christi Caldwell


What's charming about this book is how Jasper and Katherine just can't help being attracted to one another--not just physically, but to their shared reading tastes, their love of the country, and their innately appealing natures. I loved seeing them progress to their HEA, but I have to admit I wanted to bash Jasper over the head for most of the book.

Katherine was a great character, honest about herself (to the point of not seeing her own appeal to others) and able to make decisions when confronted with situations that needed to be addressed. At several points in For Love of the Duke, Katherine is the one to take action, to take charge of her life and move it in directions that she needs. I loved see her act rather than react.

I found Jasper's struggle over his wife and child to be a great one, but I would have liked to have seen a ready heir at least acknowledged. The fact is, death in childbirth was the #1 killer of women at this time, and many children didn't live through their first year. So having Jasper react in what to me seemed to be far more apropos of today's times without any acknowledgment of an existing heir was odd.

I read a paperback copy of this book that I picked up years ago at an RWA signing. I hope Caldwell has had the book edited since then, as there were a number of grammatical errors, especially misplaced commas, that were jarring as I read the story.

But overall, I had a wonderful time reading Katherine and Jasper's journey to love. Frankly put, Jasper lucked out, as Katherine is a wonderful heroine.