A review by beckymmoe
Call to Honor by Tawny Weber


Call to Honor went in a direction I didn't expect, but OMG did I enjoy every minute of it!

Diego and Harper are absolutely fantastic together, and when you throw in Harper's seven-year-old son Nathan? Pure magic. Seriously. I loved these three with an intensity that shouldn't be possible in a 300+ page book, but there you have it. They have to show up in later series books, because I am not at all ready to say goodbye to them!

There's a secondary thing going on between Harper's BFF Andi and Diego's teammate Jared here that has to get its own book (sadly, it's not book two, [book:Call to Engage|33098789]; I'm holding out hope for #3 in the series) and the entire situation that Diego's team was trying to resolve in this book isn't finalized either--as if I needed more reasons to be first in line for the rest of the books in this series. Can't wait!

Rating: 4 stars / A-

I voluntarily reviewed an Advance Reader Copy of this book.