A review by zombi
Spiral Dance, the - 20th Anniversary: A Rebirth of the Ancient Religion of the Goddess: 20th Anniversary Edition by Starhawk


The book is an excellent introduction to what goddess religion (actually what many consider to be a revival of the most ancient religions), Wicca, paganism whatever you want-to-call-it is all about. It does include exercises, rituals, etc. and that might seem a little odd to those who are not ready to embrace the them or are frightened off by words like witchcraft; but the philosophies presented around these exercises make an incredible amount of sense and are most interesting reading. I believe that if you are interested in the ideas behind this (and just some general historic perspective) you can skip over the ritual stuff and read the rest."

This book is an excellent resource; many neo-pagans if you want to call them that consider this a life-shaping or theology-shaping work. I agree. It's very well written and very inclusive.