A review by readfrenzy
Real Sexy by Meghan March


4.5 stars

The love story of Ripley and Boone that began in [b:Real Dirty|33633913|Real Dirty (Real Dirty Duet, #1)|Meghan March|https://images.gr-assets.com/books/1490901817s/33633913.jpg|54479132] concludes in Real Sexy. I loved the first book, and I’m happy to say that this book doesn’t disappoint. This is my favorite Meghan March duet so far.

Theirs is not a case of insta love, but Ripley and Boone’s relationship does move at warp speed. It’s a signature of March’s Real/Dirty series, and a fantasy that I was perfectly willing to buy into.

Boone is just as delicious as ever, and Ripley’s vulnerability coupled with her independent streak is wildly appealing. Call me vindictive, but there are a couple characters I would have loved to see suffer more. Still, a little mystery, a lot of swooning, and some heat between the sheets made me one happy reader.

Real Sexy is a quick read that I gobbled up in a day. I recommend this duet if you’re in the mood for a sexy and entertaining diversion.

Recommended for fans of:
The music industry
Family drama
Sexy times

**ARC received in exchange for an honest review.**

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