A review by malka
Return to Planet Tad by Tim Carvell



I have to start off with this. I LOVE TAD! Okay, good, now that I got that out of my system I can actually write this review.

This book is the second book about a ADHD/ADD boy who blogs about his life. This book is exactly what is promises to be. It's immaturely funny, but never pretends not to be. It follows a boy with an imaginative mind wondering about like and everything that happens to him. I found it hilarious. The pictures and emojis added a nice touch too.

Favorite Parts
*The whole learning how to play piano, piano teacher, getting out of playing piano (which was BRILLIANT!) situation

*How he was able to access his locker

*His focus on the tree and not the forest :)

*Hearing his random thoughts of the day

-I received an ARC in exchange for an honest review-