A review by clauleesi
All Out: The No-Longer-Secret Stories of Queer Teens Throughout the Ages by Saundra Mitchell


I was a bit late in realising I wasn't straight. I've always been attracted to guys and even though I really liked making out with all my girl friends, that's what all girls do right? But then I heard about bisexuals, and it was like a light switched on inside my brain. And it was so, so overwhelming because it was this huge revelation about myself, about something that was and still is considered strange or wrong by some people, even in the LGBTQIA+ community. And was I really bisexual? Don't girls just... make out?

Stories like this, that [a:Saundra Mitchell|1415543|Saundra Mitchell|https://images.gr-assets.com/authors/1478376283p2/1415543.jpg] like a little saint has collected in this anthology, would have made me coming to terms with my own queerness so much easier. Even now, eight years after understanding I was attracted to girls, too, reading this almost brought tears to my eyes. Queer stories often do. There's just something so special about being seen and accepted, and in All Out we have so many different stories for all kinds of LGBTQIA+ people to relate to. This being written entirely by Ownvoices authors just makes it even better.

But of course, I still had my favorite stories. Either ones that felt special to me personally, or ones that I just liked more from a strictly storytelling point of view.

- Roja by [a:Anna-Marie McLemore|6434877|Anna-Marie McLemore|https://images.gr-assets.com/authors/1516319453p2/6434877.jpg] was a great beginning to this anthology. [a:McLemore|6434877|Anna-Marie McLemore|https://images.gr-assets.com/authors/1516319453p2/6434877.jpg] is, as we all know, a master of writing both queer stories and magical realism. This retelling of Red Riding Hood with Mexican influences just spoke to me in so many ways and the only problem was the length of this, as I could have easily read an entire novel following these characters.

- It's no surprise that I really enjoyed [a:Mackenzi Lee's|7327341|Mackenzi Lee|https://images.gr-assets.com/authors/1512266703p2/7327341.jpg] Burnt Umber. She just has such a charming and fun quality to everything that she writes, and this short story about a boy that goes to a fancy painting class and paints penises, was no exception. This takes place in 1638 and so you can imagine the issues that comes with being a gay boy, and Lee deals with these issues beautifully too. Also, Burnt Umber was set in Amsterdam and now I miss that wonderful city even more.

- Even though it had quite a weak start, Molly’s Lips by [a:Dahlia Adler|7071439|Dahlia Adler|https://images.gr-assets.com/authors/1423195741p2/7071439.jpg] really warmed up to me at the end. This is about two friends that grieve with the world when Kurt Kobain dies. One of the girls realises she is in love with the other during this process, and this story might not have made a big impact on me had it not been for the scene in which one of the girls relate to the fact that Nirvana supporting LGTQIA+ rights made her fall in love with them. The power of allies, y'all.

- Every Shade of Red by [a:Elliot Wake|15254487|Elliot Wake|https://images.gr-assets.com/authors/1575938916p2/15254487.jpg] was!! A!! Robin!! Hood!! Retelling!!

- As soon as The Girl with the Blue Lantern by [a:Tess Sharpe|6580285|Tess Sharpe|https://images.gr-assets.com/authors/1372741792p2/6580285.jpg] begun I knew that I was going to love it. Sharpe's writing was so pretty and I absolutely adored the premise of a mortal girl and a fae/rusalka/magical water girl falling in love with each other. This story even had a dog. Absolute perfection.

And so, you might be wondering; how come this is still only rated at three-stars, even though you seemed to love it? And the answer is quite simple - because I can barely remember any of the other stories than the ones I just listed.

The rest of the novellas in this honestly just felt lukewarm to me. Their most redeeming quality was that they had queer characters and tackled queer issues, but even though that does raise a story in my eyes it's not enough to make it.

However, All Out is still a blessing. I'm sure many of the stories I didn't care much for will resonate with others, and that means that they are needed. And I know for a fact that I will pick up the sequel to this, because lord knows I need a cleanse after all the heteronormative stuff I get stuffed down my throat the rest of the time.