A review by ladybug666
The Contortionist by Kathryn Ann Kingsley


Was alright. Interesting twist with Simon having to sponsor Cora.

I was pretty bored a lot. Her inner dialogue and questioning were too repetitive. This book shouldn’t have taken as long as it did, but I spaced out so much. It could not hold me, so I finally started skimming. It’s a shame because the world and characters intrigued me at first, but the writing was… not very fluid.

I tried to think of it as a fanfic, but I’ve been more captivated by fanfics.

There were some laugh out loud moments from Simon’s dialogue. But he seemed inconsistent. I… wanted him to be scarier? I mean yeah he’s twisted, but I’m hoping there’s more of him doing in the next book.

I did not care if Trent lived or died. He did not give two shits about her. And she was getting pulled in all these different directions. Her pain made her life limited and sad, so get eaten by the faire. Her friend was going to die, so do the faire. Or become a puppet. It all made sense in the end but it was all very basic. And it was annoying to hear her going back and forth a lot.

Cool, show me more why he is dangerous other than his volatile temper. It’s so irritating that this book didn’t show him dumping her in the rain. Just that it had happened. Would’ve been so much more impactful seeing him so it.