A review by geo_ix
Night Play by Sherrilyn Kenyon


4.5 stars. I didn't quite like it as much as some others, maybe it wasn't the right time for me to read it and fully appreciate it or maybe it just wasn't quite as angsty as past books, because I love me some angst and the more tortured the hero the better.

Anyway, I enjoyed it, and I loved the bits with Simi like I usually do, but I also think I expected more things to happen. I expected both parents to attack Vane personally, but his mother was the only one to personally do that, really the father sent people after them and didn't care much about the outcome which I didn't expect when there was his POV and he seemed super malevolent and eager for them to be gone because duh, he's less powerful than Vane. So in that reguard I was left wanting, mainly in those action type ways, in all honesty this was way more in the romance side and how he needed to mate her.

I was honestly thinking she was going to leave it too late and then decide but that's not how it played out, and from then on I felt it was a little bit of a fluffy sappy mess (in a goodish way) and I think that's what made it feel so different to the others to me. Maybe it's because it's been so long since I read one? But even compared to Alphaness he's different to the others. Sure he's dominant, but with Bride he gives her choices constantly because he doesn't want to do what his father did to his mother and take her choices away and make her bitter and evil. I liked that, and I loved the whole concept of the Were creatures and that they're not all just wolves or bears etc, there was mentions of a hawk and a dragon and I'm super glad its a big mix.

I'm SUPER eager for Tabby's story, I have been since she was introduced, and after this, I'm super eager for Valerius too because he was actually one of my favourite parts of this story!