A review by areaderintime
Beast Heart by Kyle Richardson


Thank you so much to Meerkat Publishing for sending me an ARC of this book .

Now, before I get into writing my review for this book, I want to make it clear that I think I was the wrong audience for this book and that this book would be better suited towards someone who likes middlegrade rather than YA. The characters read younger than a usual YA book so I did not feel as connected to them as I would like. Plus, I personally just do not like the middlegrade genre so that aspect just did not work for me. I also felt that there were some scenes that were described before they happened so when that event happened, it did not have quite the impact that it might of had if it was not mentioned before it occurred.

On a more positive note, I really liked the writing style of the book and the metaphors used were beautiful. The steampunk atmosphere was great as well. I just feel that if you like middlegrade, you would really enjoy this. Since I do not, it did not quite work for me. Please do not read too far into this review since I did like the book but just did not love it. I implore all middlegrade readers to read this when it comes out!