A review by msgabbythelibrarian
Juno Valentine and the Magical Shoes by Eva Chen


I have been a fan of this book for a while now. Other reviewers have said that it does not lend itself well to a storytime and they are right. Indeed, I don't ever intend to try it in one because I know it just won't work. What draws me to this book is the female empowerment to be found....and SHOES. Anyone who knows me knows that I am a shoe person. (Yes, I will even wear heels to drive the Bookmobile)

It's the story of Juno who doesn't think she, or her shoes, are anything special. So she interacts with the shoes of women throughout history--Cleopatra, Frieda Kahlo, and others. Yes, there is a decidedly liberal slant....but honestly, there are golden nuggets to be gleaned. Regardless of personal feelings, women like Oprah and Hilary Clinton have had major milestones in women's history.

As to the shoes, well, those are such fun!!