A review by sde
Beauty Queens by Libba Bray


Totally funny, satirical book. I listened to the recorded book, and the reading was masterful! Ladybird Hope, the former beauty queen that is the idol of the Teen Dream contestants, sounds just like Sarah Palin.

I normally prefer to read books, but in this case I think the recorded book was probably a much better experience. Besides the many voices, there are also commercials, advertising ditties and funny footnotes and other things that may not have translated as well on paper.

This book is totally over the top, but that's what makes it fun. A book that pokes fun at corporate greed, beauty rituals, banana republic dictators, Texan gun-toting culture, reality TV, diversity initiatives and more all in an engaging, fast-paced story. Who could ask for more?

Warning - there is a fair bit of cursing and a small amount of sex, so parents of tweens may want to hold off for a few years before recommending to their kids. Also, you may not want to play the recorded book in the car with the entire family.