A review by fotoshopguy52
The Kill Switch by James Rollins


James Rollins (and in this case, Grant Blackwood). has shown again why he is one the great masters of International Thriller novels. Although there were a few moments is this novel that were somewhat uneven in their pacing, for the much greater part, the story is engrossing, fast paced, and as usual for Mr. Rollins, extremely thought provoking, as he again outlines another of the many possible perils that we face in this all too fast moving technology-based world.

The fact that I was able to discern a couple of "surprise" items ahead of time was somewhat unusual for one of his novels, and this along with the occasional pacing issues would have brought my review down to 4 and 1/2 stars if Goodreads allowed that level of granularity. However, since they do not, and I am a huge fan of Mr. Rollins, I have no remorse in bumping him up to five stars, as he deserves it in many ways simply for the extensive research he did, and his undying ability to entertain while also providing stimulating factual knowledge about the incredible world we live in.