A review by emziethebookworm
The Dark by Emma Haughton


Steady read this book was from the very beginning to all the way through, my high hopes paid off loved the book all the way through.
The main character has a very devastating past which can tell doesn't like to talk about it at all but once I read about her past I felt sorry for what she had went through.
Now the murders liked how they were all spaced out throughout the book kept me guessing on who was going to end up dead next and who the killer really is as well, in the end my guess was wrong but I was shocked on who it was that really did the killings.
Now another thing I got to say and do is a big clap to the main character dealing with a subject that she never did before, was proud of her on how she did it ful claps on her.
Last point to add to my review is that the ending was perfect in my opinion it did not need any changes at all and am just glad that those that survived are going to be alright and no more harm will come there way.