A review by norahs_books
The Fault in Our Stars by John Green


First of all I want to say that I really like this book. It was a quick read and very fast paced which is a very good start.

What I liked was that this book didn’t necessarily focus on as heavily on how painful cancer is. Of course losing someone to cancer is very hard which in the end of this book was showed. But throughout the story it was more focused on Augustus and Hazel. It was not at all about depression but more cute interactions between them.

I liked the comedy in this book. The jokes and banter between Augustus and Hazel made me laugh and have a good time.

However unfortunately the two main characters didn’t have much of a deep personality to me. It was sometimes hard to connect during their ‘deep and meaningful’ and long monologues. Not a lot of teenagers just throw out a very long monologue like they did and it could be quite boring.

Also the romance between them didn’t really develop that much. From the first time they met each other to the point where Augustus died the romance pretty much stayed the same.

But even though character development and romance are quite big things I still gave it four stars. This book came at the exact right time and place for me and I really needed this. So that’s why my rating is so high. Maybe in the future I will lower it… who knows :))

(This is all my opinion. Feel free to disagree with me and let me know what you think. :D)