A review by earthlings
Change Places with Me by Lois Metzger


Change Places with Me is a short but compelling read. While the reader has no idea who Rose used to be or what she was like before the book began, the subtle comments made by the characters around her creates a great sense of unease and mystery for the reader. While the book begins like many by having the reader slowly get to know the main character, Change Places with Me troubles this by introducing us to a character who is new to every character, and asks the audience to question Rose and ask what kind of person she used to be.

Another thing I liked about the novel were the constant allusions and comparisons to Snow White, which at first made me think this was a retelling but it isn’t. If anything Metzger uses the Snow White fairy tale to get readers to compare the story and character with her story and Rose’s life and what expectations they have based on the two.

I’d love to write more, but this book relies on mystery so I have to be vague. Change Places with Me is a great short, thought-provoking, and ultimately sweet story about memory, coping, and questioning how we present ourselves to those around us.