A review by intheblackout
Last Seen Leaving by Caleb Roehrig


I could not put down Last Seen Leaving by [a:Caleb Roehrig|13552274|Caleb Roehrig|https://images.gr-assets.com/authors/1493188417p2/13552274.jpg]. If I hadn't read until the last page, I know I would not have been able to sleep.

This book had such good atmosphere. The apartment scene towards the end had my heart racing. I don't read many mystery thrillers, but this did it for me.

A big part of the story, is Flynn's acceptance of his sexuality. He's repressed it for so long but it's reached a tipping point and he can't deny it any more. I enjoyed the romance but I wanted more, I guess I'm just too greedy.

While I did guess whodunit, or at least suspected early on, it didn't detract from the story as there were plenty of twists that I didn't see coming.

I really need to read more mystery/thrillers, especially if their queer like Last Seen Leaving!