A review by ctorretta
Masquerade by Nicole Flockton


Author interview here: http://myseryniti.wordpress.com/2012/10/24/book-review-masquerade-by-nicole-flockton/

Ohhh Sophie and Alex! What am I going to do with you two!? Other than shout at you and make my husband and pups give me looks of, what in the world is she doing over there? ;)

This was a really fun read. A bit steamy but not overly so. The characters, as you see above, are equally as fun. Sophie and Alex are both enigmas and you just hope by the end that they will get their crap together instead of letting so much get in the way! They have both been bitten and although they have a fabulous night of passion, neither thinks they’ll see the other, but they do and that one night of passion slowly grows into something more.

I love the way the plot is paced. These two do jump into bed rather quickly but they are both consenting adults so this really did add to, not take away from the story for me. Actually it was that night that the basis of the story revolves around. It’s actually quite frustrating but also a little hilarious how they dance around each other. Alex drives me a little crazy but I really think they both did at different parts of the book.

“I’ve no expectations tonight, Sophie”

Sophie was saved from having to make a reply as the doors opened on her floor. She quickly stepped out and made her way to her apartment. He was always so in tune with what she was thinking. Were her feelings written all over her face? Or had their night together created a connection between them that couldn’t be broken? But if that were true, why couldn’t she feel or see wht Alex was thinking? Perhaps it was etter that she didn’t. She had to try to sever their connection, otherwise working with him would be evern harder than she tought it would be.

She held the door open for him and he indicated for her to precede him into the room. She turned the lights on, but dimmed them so they created a soft glow. The full moon created a ghostly pattern on the river and was shining in through her window.

“How would you like your coffee?” she asked as she made her way into the kitchen to turn her automatic coffee machine on. “I can give you an espresso, cappuccino, latte, or flat white.”

She tried to control the shivers coursing through her as he came up to stand behind her. Even after all they’d been through that evening, his aftershave wafted over her.

He whistled softly. “That’s an impressive machine. You must like your coffee.”

Do you SEE what I mean here? These two, H O T! No sex in that scene but boy did I need some water through this entire book. It’s fabulous.

The only character I didn’t like was of course Neil but he is in the plot for a reason, so we all hate him. And I so do. It was Phoebe that really made this for me though. She is just one of those gals that made me feel like I would tell all of my secrets to and never regret it.

The ending was well worth the read but the entire thing was sexy and fun!