A review by mlangman
The Faithful Spy: Dietrich Bonhoeffer and the Plot to Kill Hitler by John Hendrix


I borrowed this from the library for my 10 year old, lover of history and graphic novels, who read half of it before admitting that he wasn't understanding a lot of it. I decided to pick it up to see why and became engrossed in the story. I hadn't read a graphic biography before and really enjoyed this format. The print is tiny, however, and some of the philosophical ideas were very complex, which I believe were the main deterrents to my son.

The first half is really dedicated to Bonhoeffer's story and I enjoyed reading about his philosophical struggles and questions. My enjoyment, however, waned a bit in the second half of the book. The second half felt like a separate book about a series of plots to kill Hitler. Bonhoeffer, however, was imprisoned during many of these plots and only played a tangential role, if at all. I found both parts interesting, but was frustrated because I wanted more on Bonhoeffer. I wish the author had turned this into two separate volumes instead.