A review by joelafond
Wonder Women: 25 Innovators, Inventors, and Trailblazers Who Changed History by Sam Maggs


I think the only downside for me with this book was the informal—rather, trying-too-hard to be informal—writing and tone. At times it almost came off as flippant, as if these talented and pioneering women aren’t worth a real historical synopsis. That said though, I’m going to say that the author probably had a certain audience in mind (let’s say pre-teen, tween, teenage girls) in this book. With that in mind, I think the tone and informality makes it accessible to those readers, who (let’s be real) are just looking for a little lighthearted girl power, not a dry, fact-based historical review. If you aren’t a part of that audience, chances are that the writing made you roll your eyes a couple times. At the end of the day, though, does something need be so serious to learn from it. In spite of not being I that target audience, I learned a ton from this book and am really glad that I picked it up.