A review by kellyhager
The Complete Strain Trilogy: The Strain, The Fall, The Night Eternal by Guillermo del Toro, Chuck Hogan


This is the second book in the Strain trilogy.

This starts right after the events in the Strain, and believe it or not, things are getting worse. Vampires are all over the place, the people that are left are terrified and nobody has any idea of how to stop the spread, much less reverse it.

The few survivors who do know what's going on encounter some really unexpected allies, but is it even remotely enough?

The Strain is incredibly scary (or at least it was to me) and this one is, too, but in a different way. This is scary in terms of how screwed we'd be if any sort of major virus were to hit the country--like if we were to get a sort of modern day bubonic plague, for example. (Or something like the one in The Stand.) Things spiraled out of control so quickly that nobody was able to come up with any sort of a plan.

I can't wait for the third book.