A review by angelicasreads
All I've Never Wanted by Ana Huang


Those 600+ pages are making me worry.

First I must say that I read this pretty much in one sitting. I read 80% of the novel from like 2am until like 8 am. Then since I'm such a great student I went to class at 9am then went to my sister’s graduation. Then I came back to finish this book without sleep. I call that an accomplishment considering this is a 626 page book.

Anyway. . .

This book follows the story of Maya, a girl attending her senior at the most prestigious academy in the country. Only the richest in the world attend, people with billions instead of millions in the bank. Among those students are the Scions a group of four totally gorgeous boys who happen to be the children of the richest people on Earth. The Scions are desirable, enviable and untouchable. They are the kings of the world and Maya has been trying to avoid them since she first transfered. Then thanks to unfortunate events at a party Maya and the Scions are about to collide and neither of their worlds will be the same.

So apparently this book resembles a Korean TV drama a lot and a lot of people have decided not to read it because of it. The way I see it if we stopped reading things due to resemblance no one would have read Divergent due to resemblance to the Hunger Games and no one would have read the Hunger Games because it’s nothing more than the Western version of Battle Royale. Also since I have not watched the TV drama that this closely resembles I went into this without any type of prejudice. And you know what? I liked it. A lot.

Other than the fact that this was a 626 page book, it was really enjoyable. The characters were all wonderful and the plot was very good also. I really liked how the author did not just focus on the main characters story but instead showed a bit into the lives of the other characters. That made all the secondary characters seem much more rounded and real since we all got to look onto their minds and feelings and know their wants and ambitions.

All of the boys were great. We got Parker, the playboy. Zach, the lovable goofball and aspiring musician. Carlo, the silent muscle of the group. Lastly we got Roman, the leader. There was even Adriana, Zach’s twin sister and the only girl in the group. At first glance all of them look like terrible people. They look stuck up and snobby but then you get to know them are realize that they are all really great friends. I mean, they are still a bit snobby but then again they are the kids of the richest people in the world and one cannot expect overnight change. But truly they were all really great friends who really did love each other. All except Roman. Everyone was great except Roman.

Then there was Maya. She was a nice and likable character. She was strong and fun and all around awesome. She had principles and even though she was scared she stood up for her friends and dared to face the Scion’s wrath. She was also one of the only people to ever stand up to Roman and always speak her mind. On top of it all she was witty and playful and a great friend. She quickly became close to the Scions but never forgot her other friend Venice, instead she brought Venice along for the ride. I hate in YA when someone becomes kind of popular they leave everyone behind. But not Maya, she never stopped being best friends with the girl who had remained by her side all those times and I really liked her loyalty.

The plot was another thing I enjoyed. It was like taking a duology and making it into one book. There was that before and after sort of feel. Half way through the book things started to change and new conflicts started to arise and I really liked it. The one problem I had was the revenge aspect of it near the end. I hate when contemporary romance books have to go there. Why? IT COMES COMPLETELY OUT OF NOWHERE! This is like the fourth contemporary romance that has pulled the exact same crap. I don’t like it!! The story could work without it. Like I get the revenge. It isn’t that what bothers me. It is what the villain does
Spoiler Kidnap the girl in one of the dumbest and most unnecessary plot twists ever to be written
that is so not necessary!

In the end I really did enjoy the book. I laughed so hard while reading it. Like real laughter, I really laughed out loud. There were a lot of cute moments and funny moments and it was great. My only two problems were that little twist at the end and Roman. He was a jerk. All the other boys turned out to be really nice people and Adriana turned out to be a really great friend but Roman mostly remained the same. Sure he wasn’t as horrible and learned to be a bit more sociable but he was still, for the most part, a jerk. Still, I would recommend it to anyone who would not mind reading a 600+ page contemporary.