A review by mousegoddess
The Boy Who Came In From the Cold by B.G. Thomas


I have a thing about romance novels with a super short time frame for love. I mean, I can enjoy a love at first sight story... But whirlwind romances tend to have me rolling my eyes and sighing sarcastically (so I have my curmudgeonly moments). Perhaps it's because of my real life experiences, but that's neither here nor there. You will notice, I'm sure, that I rated this five stars. And, yes, it's a whirlwind romance. So why? Because it is well-written, the characters are believable(and engaging!), and safe sex. Maybe a silly thing to love in a romance novel, but I do. I messaged with my BFAM whilst reading and he had to deal with many a flail and "omgomgomg". Highly recommend. Loved it. Can I adopt B.G. Thomas? I have an opening for a cool uncle.