A review by crookedtreehouse
Chew, Vol. 5: Major League by John Layman


Like many people my age, baseball is more than just a sport. It's a thing you think about to lose your erection.

This goes back to the 1994 Major League Baseball strike where the greedy owners and the greedy players couldn't agree on whose greediness was most vital to the game, so they cancelled the second half of the 1994 season, and couldn't get their acts together into well into the 1995 season, resulting in two years of rich people getting richer without doing any actual work. The American Dream.

I mention this because terrible things happen surrounding baseball in this collection, which is driven by a character obsessed with the sex lives of baseball players. And while I'm not mad at anyone currently playing in the major leagues (as there are very few players involved in the strike who are still active), it's still tough for me to feel bad for anyone involved in the sport.

This is the volume, however, where you start to feel really bad for some of the characters. It's still a non-stop shifting plot story where something unusual and food related is happening but for the first time in the series, characters short term problems aren't wrapped up neatly by the ends of the issues. There are still stellar final page reveals (and long running jokes) but often they aren't the beginning or end of a problem, rather a reveal as to how something is about to get worse for someone.